(Indica>Hybrid) Fruit Funk (LOW STOCK)

(1 customer review)


BV: 40

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SKU: DSC-FF Category:


Total THC: 6.888%  ((THCA*0.877)+THC)

Total CBD: 9.251%  ((CBDA*0.877)+CBD)

Total Cannabinoid Content by weight: 28.110% [19.165% THC+THCA | 10.496% CBD+CBDA | .385% CBGA+CBG | 9.411% CBCA+CBC | 0.000%  THCV-A]

Fruit Funk boasts possibly the highest CBC content of any flower to ever be tested. This strain is absolutely packed with a variety cannabinoids, totaling at a whopping 28.110%!! Whether you are suffering from pain, nausea, depression, fighting cancer, or pretty much have any medical need, this strain is definitely worth trying out!

CBC Works With Other Cannabinoids

CBC is non-intoxicating, so it doesn’t produce a euphoric high like THC. The reason it is non-intoxicating is because it binds poorly to CB1 cannabinoid receptors in the brain. But CBC does bind with other receptors in the body, such as the vanilloid receptor 1 (TRPV1) and transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1), both of which are linked to pain perception. When CBC activates these receptors, increased levels of the body’s natural endocannabinoids like anandamide are released.

While CBC definitely has singular benefits, researchers also think that it seems to synergistically work with other cannabinoids, a term known as the entourage effect. This effect of THC and CBD working together is well-known, but whether other cannabinoids have entourage effects is not well understood.

CBC’s Medicinal Potential

The purported benefits of CBC have far-reaching implications. Below are a few medical conditions that may be alleviated by cannabichromene.


Cannabichromene may be a powerful cancer fighter, and the reason might be its interaction with the body’s natural endocannabinoid, anandamide. CBC also appears to inhibit the uptake of anandamide, allowing it to remain longer in the bloodstream.

A recent study in which tumor growth was initiated in mice (two-stage mouse skin carcinogenesis model) showed cannabinoids might be effective in inhibiting both inflammation and tumor growth. Since anandamide has been shown to fight breast cancer in vitro and in vivo, this shows promise that CBC and other cannabinoids might one day be a chemopreventive agent.

Brain Cells

In a 2013 mouse study, CBC had a positive effect on neural stem progenitor cells (NSPCs), a cell essential to healthy brain function. NSPCs became more viable when in the presence of CBC, and that shows promise because NSPCs differentiate into astroglial cells, the most important cells for maintaining brain homeostasis. The astroglial cells perform a whole host of functions, including neurotransmitter direction and defending against oxidative stress. Astroglia counteract many of these issues—oxidative stress, inflammation, toxicity—that create neurological diseases and brain pathologies like Alzheimer’s disease.


In another amazing display of the entourage effect, CBC appears to work in conjunction with both THC and CBD to deliver a trifecta of antidepressant properties.


1/4oz (7 grams)  Organic Sungrown Cannabis

1 review for (Indica>Hybrid) Fruit Funk (LOW STOCK)

  1. KP420 (verified owner)

    Don’t let the the low thc levels push you away from this one. It’s so good for pain. It’s very potent. Doesn’t feel like cbd flower. I know it’s cbc I honestly had no idea until after I got it. Nice fruity smell potent effect. You have to finish a few tokes before it sets in. It knocks me out on a great pain free way. Honestly it’s very good. Try it. Makes a good blender as well. I was wondering if it would do anything at the thc level it has .. I was surprised it’s just as potent and I really enjoy it’s effects. I’ve been blending it with the dolce gelato which is currently my favorite. It creates a medicine like no other 😉


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