CannaSense Foundation is offering five $2,000 College Scholarships
In Memory of Lisa Norris & William Everett
To be eligible for the Lisa Norris/William Everett Scholarship a student must:
1.) Be attending college or university on a full-time basis by August of 2021.
2.) Submit a video no later than 11:59 PM EST on November 15, 2021. Winners announced no later than December 15, 2021. All entries are timestamped so entries after the date above in our system will not be included.
3.) Be currently in college/university or graduate school or
What to submit for all scholarships :
• A video on a topic relevant to the scholarship purpose, 2 minutes or less:
IMPORTANT: Make sure to start your video with a title page that includes your name and the name of your video.
Video Option 1: The Lisa Norris/William Everett Scholarship is awarded to a current undergraduate/graduate student who creates an ‘iTribute Video’ in honor or memory of someone. The video should be creative, inspiring, and memorable.
Video Option 2: The Lisa Norris/William Everett Scholarship is awarded to a current undergraduate/graduate student who creates an ‘iTribute Video’ in honor or memory of someone using animation.
For each video:
- 2 minutes or less
- In Memory of someone or something
Disclaimer: The rules of scholarships and all necessary requirements are to be included in this form but if it is missing please note the intent is to handle the scholarship in compliance with all rules and regulations.
Disbursement of funds will be made directly to the school.